Updated at: 01-04-2023 - By: Eden Wise


Despite its right-to-left script and distinctive looking characters, many people find it difficult to learn this one of the world’s most spoken languages. Learning Arabic can be both exciting and daunting, and there are a variety of resources available to help you along the way.

We have already compiled a list of the top podcasts and online courses available for learning Arabic. In this article, we’ll examine some of the most useful apps for language study.

Due to the fact that only app-based resources made the cut, some high-quality alternatives were left out.

It’s also important to note that this isn’t a comprehensive list of all language-learning apps. Instead, we’ve taken the many we’ve tried and some that come highly recommended and organized them into groups according to their main strengths. Hopefully, it will help you zero in on a more manageable set of options.

Best Apps For Learning Arabic

Best apps for learning arabic


The Pimsleur Method is the foundation of Pimsleur, an audio-based language course. In the 1960s, Dr. Paul Pimsleur created this system to help military personnel learn languages more quickly.

Using Pimsleur, learning Arabic is a breeze. The language is broken down into manageable chunks so that you don’t have to memorize an insurmountable amount of vocabulary and grammar before you can even begin to communicate.



When it comes to learning Arabic for the first time, Mondly is the best app available. The lessons on Mondly can be taken in any order you like, and the platform makes it simple to progress through them. They’re simple to use and model common conversational situations to facilitate rapid exchange of information.

Your progress in learning can also be easily monitored. As a beginner, you’ll be encouraged by how quickly you pick up new vocabulary and expressions.


ArabicPod101 is an audio podcast that offers language instruction. There are English and Arabic language articles, as well as video and audio recordings for learning.

You can learn Arabic at your own pace with the help of ArabicPod101’s many self-paced lessons. There is always something fresh to take in because the content is regularly updated.


The italki website is the best place to interact with other people who are learning Arabic online. To improve your English, there are teachers available from all over the world.

It’s possible to narrow down the pool of over 400 Arabic teachers on italki by their language skills, location, and more. Italki is the place to go if you want to learn a specific Arabic dialect.

Madinah Arabic

Madinah Arabic

The abundance of high-quality content available at no cost is a major selling point of this app. The two Arabic classes offered in Madinah are Arabic Reading and Arabic Language. The goal of the Arabic Reading course is, unsurprisingly, to teach you how to read Arabic. Learning the names and pronunciations of the individual Arabic letters is the first step. This method of reading instruction is free and comprehensive, but it may not be the most interesting.

There are more than a hundred lessons in this Arabic language course, each with its own set of audio recordings, videos, and quizzes to test your comprehension. There is a clear progression between lessons, so you can quickly find lessons that are appropriate for your skill level.

Tutors in Arabic are available on Madinah Arabic as an add-on, but their rates are higher than those found on sites like italki. The Apple App Store is the only place to get this app right now.


Using Memrise to expand your Arabic vocabulary is a great option. There is a wealth of free content on the site, and the user-generated resources cover virtually any topic you might want to learn more about. Although there will be a variety of languages to choose from, the quality may vary depending on the deck you select.

Spaced repetition is used in all Memrise decks for effective practice, and many of the decks also include visual and auditory cues.

The official Memrise Arabic course is fun and effective because it features audio recordings of native speakers and covers fundamental grammar points. You can get a taste for much of this content without paying anything at all, but getting complete access will cost you.



Clozemaster is appealing for three main reasons: it’s entertaining, it’s relatively inexpensive, and it helps students learn new vocabulary words in context.

This is not a reliable professional resource. With its retro arcade aesthetic and leveling system, this game will never feel like a chore in the classroom. It’s entertaining, but it has its limits. The app’s focus is on vocabulary development rather than on teaching you to speak Arabic fluently.

New words are introduced in the context of a sentence, which should help you better grasp the word in its natural setting. If you like the design, this app is a great way to get some free practice in.


If you want to improve your Arabic reading skills, this is another great option. It’s unlike any other app because, as you read Arabic, it simultaneously displays a translation into your native language. Having a complete translation of the text at your fingertips can be much more useful than looking up individual words. You can avoid coming to rely too heavily on the translation by simply hiding it and bringing it up only when absolutely necessary.

Beelinguapp’s “karaoke” feature combines reading and listening practice by highlighting the text as it is read aloud.



The free version of the site includes brief guides on how to write and pronounce vowels and consonants, and then quizzes in the form of flashcards to test your knowledge. However, additional practice in writing, grammar, and arithmetic is available for a fee.

Each card features a picture of a character, an English alphabet transliteration, and an audio recording of the character’s pronunciation. It’s not the most ground-breaking app for learning a new language, but it does the job. However, it is a great tool for learning the Arabic alphabet because its flashcards employ a spaced repetition learning algorithm.


Regularly completing the fill-in-the-blank exercises is an effective way to rapidly increase your vocabulary and understanding of Arabic expressions. So, it’s a great supplementary tool, but there are more comprehensive Arabic language learning apps out there.

Rocket Languages

You can learn the language without having to talk to a real teacher, just by reading and listening to sentences and then recording yourself practicing them.

The platform will keep track of your progress based on your ratings of “easy,” “good,” and “hard” given by the app’s software. Although novel, these activities lack the natural flow of conversation with a human instructor. Furthermore, it does not provide guidance on proper pronunciation, which is essential for a language like Arabic.

Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone mobile app has added voice recognition technology and live teachers to help you learn a new language and perfect your pronunciation.

However, Rosetta Stone’s tutorial sessions are much shorter at only 25 minutes, unlike competing language-learning apps. You may only get one chance to speak per session if you have to share it with three other students. In addition, there is a limit of three classes per week, and only at specific times.

The app is great for learning Arabic on the go, whether you’re riding the subway, in the air, or on a beach vacation, thanks to the ability to download self-study lessons in bite-sized chunks for offline access.

Rosetta Stone 

The Rosetta Stone app, one of the most well-known resources for learning a new language, offers free access to its Arabic lessons. First, you start with lessons that last 10 minutes. Lesson one has you distinguishing between male and female words in spoken conversation, and the course covers speaking, reading, and listening. Rather than beginning with the alphabet like most other apps, this one jumps right into full words and sounds.

Arabic With Sam 

Each lesson in this series is its own self-contained unit, lasting anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes and focusing on a specific aspect of the Arabic language.

Sam, the narrator and teacher, starts with the fundamentals of grammar, such as gender verbs and sentence construction, and then moves on to more advanced topics like numbers, school, animals, and countries. When you already know the basics, this app will help you expand your vocabulary greatly. Sam is an approachable, positive narrator who is clear in his explanations. Once or twice through his podcasts has really helped me out.

Language Guide

Learn Arabic – Learning Guide is the most fundamental application for getting started with Modern Standard Arabic, and it will help you learn the basics of the language, including the numbers, alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills.

This app’s intuitive interface is one of its best features. It’s also very well-designed, and its support team is very helpful.


This app provides a collection of carefully translated, topic-based Arabic essential phrases.

The program differs from 50 Languages in that it teaches not just words but also complete sentences. High-quality recordings made by native Arabic speakers. You can bookmark recently added and frequently used sentences, too.

Among its many great qualities is a wealth of helpful travel advice and information. Another perk is that it has no advertisements whatsoever.

English Arabic Dictionary

This app is a free, two-way translator that can help you out in any situation during your education. This app is distinguished from other, less impressive dictionaries by its exceptional extra features (beyond just looking up words).

This dictionary’s ability to translate words without opening the app is one of its best features. Simply copy the word you want to translate, and the translation will appear in the notification area.

With over a million users and an average rating of 4.2 out of 5, it’s highly likely that this app will be useful to you, regardless of where you are in your learning journey.


Why You Should Use Apps To Learn Arabic

Learning Arabic can be challenging, so it’s important to use good materials. One of the most effective ways to master the Arabic language is with the help of a language app. Arabic learning apps, in contrast to textbooks, allow you to practice all four skills simultaneously. They allow for greater adaptability and improvement monitoring.

Is there an app that teaches Arabic?

Numerous mobile applications exist to assist in learning Arabic. The 11 top apps for learning Arabic are here, and they will help you in every area of conversation. Each app takes a slightly different approach to teaching you Arabic, whether it’s through reading, writing, speaking, or listening. While programs like Pimsleur provide a more comprehensive course, others, like Drops, focus on teaching you vocabulary.

Can I learn Arabic on my own?

If you commit to studying on your own and use good resources, you can learn Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic on your own is to use an Arabic learning app, as this will allow you to practice all facets of communication. Apps like italki and Preply make it possible to speak with native Arabic speakers from all over the world without ever leaving your house.


There are numerous online resources available to help you learn Arabic. Preply is the best option, though, if you want an app that adapts to your specific needs and covers every facet of this difficult language.

You can find native Arabic speakers on Preply who are willing to tailor their lessons to your current skill level, your goals, and your schedule. As the platform complements individualized lessons with helpful self-study resources, it can speed up your progress toward your language learning goals.

Do you wish to join the thousands of other online students who have found success with Preply? Try out a session with a native Arabic speaker by signing up for Preply’s free trial today.