Updated at: 15-03-2023 - By: Eden Wise


Both children and adults can suffer from Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Finding and keeping the right job can be difficult for people with ADHD, despite the fact that the disorder is manageable with the right treatment and care.

Working with ADHD can be challenging. It may be difficult to concentrate, finish work on time, keep your interest, or meet deadlines if you have a disorder, and this difficulty increases with the severity of your disorder. Boredom can also have a negative impact on your health and productivity at work.

There needs to be a rethinking of career goals if ADHD is holding you back. If you want to be happy and successful in your career, you should look for a position that makes the most of your strengths.

Jobs For People With ADHD Best Career

Jobs for people with adhd best career


Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently find fulfillment in fields that put them in contact with children, such as teaching and child care. Jobs like these put your energy, enthusiasm, and ingenuity to good use, but they may also test your tolerance for monotony. Working with children requires quick thinking and the ability to switch gears, and it helps immensely if you have some familiarity with the difficulties and potential of students diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).



For those who are dedicated reporters and writers and who are able to adapt well to frequent shifts in their work environment, journalism can be an exciting, creative, and rewarding career. Reporting is a good career choice for someone who is high-energy but has trouble focusing for long periods of time because of the wide range of topics covered, the wide range of people encountered, and the rapid pace at which assignments are typically turned around. However, meeting strict deadlines could prove difficult.

Food Industry Worker

Some adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) find success in the culinary arts because this line of work allows them to exercise their creativity while also being less affected by their symptoms. While it doesn’t require extensive planning or a large amount of working memory, cooking requires you to pay attention to the task at hand and take immediate actions to create a finished product. The right amount of excitement is added by irregular or flexible hours, with sporadic ebb-and-flow pacing, to encourage concentration and focus.

Emergency First-Responders

Emergency medical technicians, police officers, and firefighters all need to be able to think quickly on their feet. Many people with ADHD find that the adrenaline rush they get from certain jobs allows them to better channel their attention. When everyone else is freaking out and you have ADHD, your brain kicks into high gear and you’re able to see problems clearly and get the job done.

Police officer

A career in law enforcement may be ideal for someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. An individual with this disorder would thrive in a high-pressure, high-detail, high-energy, high-intensity job.

Criminal specialists are a good fit for those who are naturally inquisitive and have a knack for solving mysteries. These entities are highly structured, which will unquestionably aid in task performance, but only if the necessary organization is put in place.

While the specific qualifications for a given police officer position will vary, most require at least a high school diploma, citizenship in the United States, and a lack of significant criminal history, at the very least. A bachelor’s degree is typically required for higher-level law enforcement positions, especially at the federal level. This is true for the FBI and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to name just two examples.

The median annual salary of a police officer in the United States is $67,600, which is more than $15,000 higher than the median salary of all occupations ($51,960). However, the typical salary of a police officer can vary widely from one state to the next. Salary ranges for law enforcement professionals vary widely according to the cost of living in each state.

Similar high-intensity occupations include those of detective, critical care nurse, emergency dispatcher, and coach.



Having ADHD doesn’t have to mean giving up on a child’s dreams. Being a firefighter calls for boundless enthusiasm, the ability to think quickly on one’s feet and solve problems creatively, as well as experience with and exposure to a variety of tools and resources.

Fire fighters receive extensive training that prepares them to tackle blazes in a variety of environments, from rural to urban to forested. Protecting lives is the primary goal of fire departments. A high school diploma and volunteer work at the local firehouse are good qualifications for entry-level firefighting. A fire science degree is ideal for those who want to move up the ranks quickly and take on more responsibility at the state or federal level. An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) license is required in some jurisdictions, and EMTs are available for dispatch during times of medical crisis. In addition, the field of EMT may hold great appeal for those with ADHD. This is one of the best jobs we’ve seen for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Salary ranges for firefighters in the US can be quite large. Firefighters can be found both in rural areas with tiny departments and in large cities with vastly different budgets. According to the BLS, firefighters made a median annual salary of $50,700 in the year 2021.

Emergency room nurse, trauma surgeon, teacher, dental assistant, and retail clerk are all examples of professions with similar demands and schedules.


A career as a doctor, for example, can be a good fit for someone with ADHD because it allows them to put their strengths to use in a variety of ways at once: they need to have a strong interest in and commitment to their work, they work in a fast-paced environment, and there is little room for chaos. If you’re an adult with ADHD and you’re looking for a job that will keep you on your toes, this is a good option.

The path to becoming a doctor is similarly well-defined, which can facilitate continued education and reduce the likelihood of dropout. Discipline is essential in the medical field, so enthusiasm is also vital.

When compared to other professions, medical care gives its practitioners some of the best salaries in the nation. 45 percent of the top 20 highest-paid jobs in the United States are in the medical field. Many medical professionals earn six figures, with some surgeons and physicians earning over $400,000. The income of doctors is affected by a number of variables, such as their area of expertise, level of training, and geographical location. In addition, the demand for medical professionals is always high.

Food Industry Worker

For adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a career in the culinary arts can be a great fit, as it allows them to exercise their creativity while also being relatively unaffected by their symptoms. While it doesn’t require extensive planning or a large amount of working memory, cooking requires you to pay attention to the task at hand and take immediate actions to create a finished product. Flexibility in scheduling and a more ebb-and-flow pattern of activity can help keep workers engaged.

Small Business Owner 

ADHD individuals are well-suited to taking the entrepreneurial plunge. As a business owner, you get to set your own schedule (which may also mean more work for you). The monotony and restlessness that plague many adults with ADHD can be mitigated by a constantly shifting work environment. In addition, you’ll be able to channel your energy into activities that matter to you most, enriching both your professional and personal lives.

High-Tech Field

High-Tech Field

A hyperactive, easily distracted mind is well-suited to the fast-paced, ever-evolving environment of the technology industry. In contrast to software developers, who typically work alone on creating and troubleshooting computer code for programs, websites, or apps, computer technicians move around an organization helping others with their computer problems. Both professions encourage creative problem-solving and can benefit from an attention to detail that comes naturally to those with ADHD.


It’s no secret that people with ADHD are creative explosions, so it stands to reason that they do well in environments with other creative types. If you’re the type of person who flourishes in a dynamic, chaotic setting, an artistic workplace may be just what you’re looking for. Adults with ADHD thrive in creative fields, such as television production, choreography, and classical music performance.


The best business owners are those who can think outside the box and act on their most compelling ideas. Adults with ADHD have a unique perspective on the world, a relentless drive to improve things, and a remarkable capacity for innovation. An additional trait of entrepreneurs is their propensity for making snap judgments when presented with a promising opportunity. These abilities are necessary for success in this field.


There are few fields where imagination is as valued as in the kitchen. The best chefs have the ability to think outside the norm and produce stunning edible works of art. Chefs are constantly on the go, so they must be able to think creatively. For those with ADHD who have their symptoms under control and who have a passion for cooking, this job could be a dream come true.

ER Nurse

Working in an emergency room is the antithesis of monotony; it is a high-stress environment that requires constant stimulation and the opposite of boredom: quick thinking, action, and focus. An adult with ADHD who has been properly diagnosed and treated may find these traits to be very helpful.

Sales Representative

Salespeople need to be very creative in order to succeed. An ADHD individual can thrive in many sales roles, including inside sales, outside sales, and direct sales, all of which require different environments and approaches.

Fitness Trainer

Fitness Trainer

Quickly switching between clients is essential in the fitness industry, as is the ability to meet new people, provide them with solutions and ideas to improve their appearance, and keep your own fitness routine fresh. Successful workers in this field tend to be high-energy extroverts who thrive in a fast-paced environment and who enjoy interacting with a wide variety of people.


People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tend to be creative and have a fresh way of looking at things. Those traits also characterize outstanding photographers. This is a great industry for people with ADHD who have been diagnosed and are receiving treatment, as there are many options for both location and subject of work.


Are people with ADHD less likely to get a job?

Perhaps; that is debatable.

Not having a diagnosis of ADHD should be the only consideration in your job search. A candidate’s chances of getting hired are affected by factors such as their work history, the quality of their references, and how well they perform in interviews.

Of course, the severity of your condition can have an impact on all of these factors. Depending on your diagnosis and symptoms, you might have trouble maintaining focus, getting things done, or keeping your emotions in check at work.

You should consult a career counselor if you’re having trouble getting hired. They can give you the direction and training you need to land the perfect job.

Do I have to tell my employer I have ADHD?

You need not disclose your ADHD to your employer. But you might decide to, because doing so could provide you with additional security in the workplace.

Employees who do so report a noticeable uptick in their sense of company support. As a result, one’s performance and self-assurance may improve.

You can get legal protection if you tell people about your diagnosis.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with severe forms of ADHD are considered to have a disability. This law safeguards employees with disabilities by prohibiting any form of discrimination in the workplace, including in the areas of hiring and firing.

The Act mandates that employers provide reasonable accommodations for employees who disclose medical conditions in order to keep them from being discriminated against or prevented from performing their jobs.

Telling your employer is optional, and you should do what feels right to you in this situation.

What is important to consider when looking for a job as a person with ADHD?

The key is to see your ADHD characteristics as strengths and look for work or study that makes the most of them.

What are the best jobs for ADHD introverts?

Artist, architect, engineer, IT professional, journalist, marketer, freelancer, accountant, actuary, application developer, archivist, content manager, graphic designer, photographer—all of these professions are well-suited to the introverted types with ADHD.


ADHD individuals can thrive in a wide variety of careers and office settings thanks to their condition’s distinctive traits and symptoms.

An ADHD employee will thrive in a fast-paced work environment, one that encourages creativity, or one that has a clear organizational structure with well-established systems and processes.

Get some help from a career coach or counselor if you’re having trouble figuring out what kind of job would be a good fit for your skills and interests. You can get advice, tools, and coaching from them to help you find a suitable job.